30 Day Money Miracles CHALLENGE!

Do you need a money miracle? 

In the olden days, people could get by without money. People lived off the land and provided for themselves based on the skills they had with nature itself. 

For better or worse, those days are gone. Today, most people need money at least to some extent. Even if we live off the land, we probably owe property taxes. 

No matter how much money you make already, you can benefit from monetary miracles. The wealthiest people you know still work every day on keeping a positive money mindset, whether they realize it or not. 

Our external world is a reflection of our internal world. When you heal your mindset around money, you open the way for miracles to show up for you. We could say that healing your money mindset actually calls money to you in supernatural ways, but we don't even have to claim that. Whether or not that is true, what is DEFINITELY true is that when you heal your mindset around money, you are more and more able to consciously recognize opportunities when it comes to wealth. You are more and more able to think the right kinds of thoughts you need to think to better create income and to better retain it in healthy ways for your family. 

During this 30-day series, every day a new video will unlock to help us focus on building a stronger prosperity mindset. This series also includes the belief work from the book 30 Days of Belief Work: Finances. So you can follow along with your paper book or just do the work every day through these modules.

You can do your daily journaling from the book right here inside this series. 

You can start late and catch up on past days! That is fine! 

If you are doing this live during the month of September 2023, we will be doing LIVE GROUP SESSIONS specific to THIS challenge and specific to people who have paid to participate right here. You can follow along with the Youtube videos for free, but to access the live group sessions on September 15 and 30, you will need to register through this page. The links to attend those live sessions will be inside when the time comes. 

You are important. I fully believe that God wants all of His children fully provided for financially and that when we open our hearts to that reality, we CAN see miracles. 

What I am about to say is my own opinion, and it's a little harsh so brace yourself! 

God is not making you poor. 

YOU are the one blocking yourself from financial security through your own self-sabotage and your own mindset that is not in alignment with the universal laws that are linked to financial prosperity. 

That is my opinion. I do not believe God makes anyone suffer. I believe that we bring that to ourselves when our minds and hearts are not in alignment with the laws of the universe. God only wants the best for us. When we are not experiencing the best, it is because WE have internal work and healing to do, not because God is cursing us. 

This is not always an easy concept to hear, and if I just hurt your feelings, I hope we can still be friends and you can just think I'm wrong about this! But I do fully believe that God is already on our side. If you don't believe in God, then let's say that a benevolent Reality is already on our side. The universe itself wants YOU to have every resource you need--if you are not experiencing "enough," it doesn't mean that it's your "fault," per se, but rather that there are things in your heart and mind (which will translate to your behavior) that need to shift so that you can experience the blessings that come from alignment with how the world really works. 

We are going to be working on a LOT of different things related to the money mindset over the next 30 days--BUT my goal was to make sure that you don't have to spend more than 15 minutes a day on this. So this challenge should hopefully slide easily into your life. I know you're a busy person. So this is designed to hopefully not take very long every day. 

Of course, if you WANT to spend a lot of time on it, you are welcome to. But for busy moms and others like myself, if all you've got is a few minutes a day that you need to multitask during too, that is fine and this should still be helpful to you. 

You can follow along with the videos on Youtube for free; if you want access to the private group sessions associated with this series also, you will need to register. I was going to have it priced at $20 flat to make it extremely accessible, but someone suggested to me to make this on a sliding scale as well. If you choose to officially participate in this challenge and have access to the LIVE group sessions that go along with it, I encourage you to tune into your own self and see what feels like an appropriate investment for you.

I cannot wait for YOU to experience some serious money miracles over the next 30 days. Of course I can't make any promises, but I do believe that as you put in the work to heal your money mindset, you will see some miraculous changes in your own life. Let's see what happens! 

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I understand that I may share my sessions with my legally married spouse and children in my legal guardianship. I agree to the Terms of Use and to be respectful and not share this content with others beyond my spouse or minor children in my legal guardianship, although I am happy to share the link for friends and other adult family members to access it with their own account.

I acknowledge that Allie Duzett is not a therapist or a physician and no part of this is meant to diagnose or treat any medical conditions. I acknowledge that Allie Duzett is not a financial advisor and I accept all liability for myself and am participating in this information of my own free will and choice. For Terms of Use, click here.

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